For more on BLURR.eth, check out his DeBank profile. Keep in mind, it is just one of many profiles, and he is a highly respected individual in the highest circles. As an early ETH supporter, collaborator, and builder, BLURR has block messages and transactions dating back to the ETH genesis block. BLURR.eth is a billionaire and, more importantly, an extremely educated individual, launching this project at the perfect time for it to thrive.
BLURR is a strong advocate for a decentralized, privatized future, empowering the people. He is also a noted NFT enthusiast, perhaps most famous for Punk 9998, which was sold for $532 million using a self-created ‘flash loan’ smart-contract technology. This iconic transaction has made the REFUND Punk logo a part of history. BLURR has graciously lent this logo to the project, making it our logomark and the most famous and recognizable NFT of them all, now known as the People’s Punk.
BLURR is a strong advocate for a decentralized, privatized future, empowering the people. He is also a noted NFT enthusiast, perhaps most famous for Punk 9998, which was sold for $532 million using a self-created ‘flash loan’ smart-contract technology. This iconic transaction has made the REFUND Punk logo a part of history. BLURR has graciously lent this logo to the project, making it our logomark and the most famous and recognizable NFT of them all, now known as the People’s Punk.
who is blurr
BLURR is our founder and developer, but more than that, he is a genesis-block ETH whale and an infamous smart contract developer, known for numerous ‘firsts’ in the space. Much like Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, BLURR remains anonymous. This anonymity is crucial for decentralization and symbolizes the idea that this project is for the people. He is the best individual we could hope for in creating the future of finance, decentralization, and utility.

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